Getting Started at INTRAA.ORG
How to get started using INTRAA.ORG
So you are new to INTRAA.ORG. Want to learn more about the site features and how to get involved in the discussion?
Here's a few tips and tricks that should get you started:
- You can read up on the latest news in the INTRAA Updates section.
- To comment on entries across the site by registering as an authenticated user.
- Visit our News Aggregator to keep up to date on news from regional blogs.
- Once you are a registered user, you can create buddy lists of all the bloggers and site contributors to be notified when they post new content. Your "Buddies Recent Posts" will show up in the right-hand column of the site.
- Also, you can view all recent comments posted on the site in the right-hand column anytime.
- Looking for an article you read a few weeks ago? Use the powerful site search feature also available at the top right corner of every page.
- To keep up to date on latest posts, you can visit the Content Tracker.
- Site content is categorized so that you can find related content easily. Notice at the bottom of each post, the words "Posted in..." then topics like Activism, Events, etc. You can click on these links to find related content in those categories.
- To tell your friends about stories you have read on you can click on "Email this page" from any page.