IU Alumni Transgender Survey

In its efforts to get gender identity added to the list of protected characteristics in Indiana University's Equal Opportunity policies, the Indiana University Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Alumni Association (IU GLBTAA) is hosting a survey to get feedback from students, faculty, staff, and alumni about the climate on IU's campuses for transgender and transsexual people.
If you have experiences to share about yourself or someone you know who is transgender or transsexual and is or was associated with IU, please take a few minutes and complete this survey. Information from the survey will be used to convey why gender identity protections are needed to allow people equal access to employment and education.
With the recent amendment of the Bloomington Human Rights Ordinance which added gender identity protections for people living and working in Bloomington, Indiana University is arguably covered. That should make it even easier for the Trustees of IU to add gender identity to their policies.
Help them out by completing this survey!