Filing a Complaint in Indianapolis

Know Your Rights - Indy HRO Brochure
In November 2005, the City of Indianapolis amended its Human Rights Ordinance to prohibit discrimination in employment, education, public accommodations, and housing on the basis of gender identity.

As a service to the transgender community, INTRAA has developed a brochure to help identify incidents of discrimination and to provide information to assist individuals in filing a complaint for discrimination occurring in Indianapolis.

Since Bloomington also prohibits discrimination based on gender identity, for incidents occurring in Bloomington, individuals should contact the Bloomington Human Rights Commission at (812) 349-3429 or by email at .

For discrimination occurring anywhere in the state of Indiana, including Indianapolis and Bloomington, please contact INTRAA via our Discrimination Survey. We use information regarding complaints to help demonstrate the need for laws prohibiting gender identity discrimination, especially at the state level. You can choose whether your information is used anonymously.

Download the brochure (PDF 1.4MB).

To assemble the brochure, print it on one page, front and back and then fold into thirds.

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