If You Are Concerned About Your Child's Gender Behaviors: A Parent guide

The Children's National Medical Center through their Outreach Program for Children with Gender-Variant Behaviors and their Families has published a booklet.

Even though this booklet is primarily geared to parents with young children, several of the issues it addresses pertain to older children as well. Every parent, teacher, social worker... anyone who works with children should read.Children's National Medical Center Parent Guide

If You Are Concerned About Your Child's Gender Behaviors: A Parent guide

Table of Contents:
Defining Gender-Variance
Commonly Seen Behaviors
Why Gender-Variance Occurs
What to Expect in the Future
Child's View of Himself
Can it be Changed?
How to Help
Pitfalls to Avoid
Dealing With My Feelings
Seeking Professional Help

Some pearls of wisdom inside:

Question traditional assumptions.

Do not automatically accept traditional assumptions about social gender roles and sexual orientation. Learn to separate society’s judgments from the love you have for your child. Do not let other people’s critical opinions of what is right and wrong come between you and your child.

Examine your feelings and learn to accept your child.
You and other family members may feel uncomfortable and ashamed of your child’s interests and behaviors. This is common early on. Take time to figure out where your feelings are coming from. You may have to adjust your dreams of how you expected parenting and your family to be.

They also sponsor a support group and online email list for parents. 

To download the booklet or to schedule a phone interview to join the email list, visit their website at:


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