
FORGE Survey: Helpful or harmful?

Submitted by INTRAA Chair on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 3:40pm.

The spin possibilities include the LGB community discovering how few trans people actually feel comfortable in the queer community and using that to further distance the communities from each other. Furthermore, I can see the queer community using this information to legitimate ceasing to offer trans-educational, trans-inclusive, and trans-focused programming. In places where there are large trans populations, this may not be a huge problem, but in Indiana, it is my belief that the trans community needs allies as much as it needs to participate in trans-only activities. A community this small cannot be left to fend for itself.

Make your story count! If you have experienced discrimination or harassment in Indiana based on your gender identity or expression, please let us know about it by completing this survey. Our elected officials need to know that discrimination and harassment against transgender people is occurring in Indiana and laws are needed to protect transgender people.
Ben Barres, Stanford University

Released: July 12, 2006

Stanford, Calif. - Ben Barres has a distinct edge over the many others who have joined the debate about whether men's brains are innately better suited for science than women's. He doesn't just make an abstract argument about the similarities and differences between the genders; he has lived as both.

Discrimination story collection begins

Submitted by INTRAA Chair on Sun, 07/02/2006 - 9:42pm.

To submit a story, call INTRAA toll free at 888.657.1854 or email me through the site here. Soon you will be able to submit stories directly through the website. I will update this entry when that feature is available.

Stigma from above - Indiana Daily Student

Submitted by INTRAA on Wed, 06/07/2006 - 10:50pm.

Check this out. The editorial board over at IDS is supporting the trans kid up in Gary who couldn't go to prom in a dress.

Stigma from above - Indiana Daily Student - Stigma from above

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