
Families United Against Hate was elated to hear that the “Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival” had ended their 31 year long policy of discrimination toward transgender women. This was not to last, however, as we learned that the “Michigan Womyn’s Music FUAH logoFestival” spokesperson, Lisa Vogel issued a long and protracted statement which essentially said nothing has changed: the Festival is intended for women-born women, and those who seek to purchase tickets are asked to respect that intention. Vogel emphasized, “If a transwoman purchased a ticket, it represents nothing more than that womon choosing to disrespect the stated intention of this Festival.”

A memorial plaque commemorating the 40th anniversary of the first known instance of transgender resistance to police harassment in the United States was installed at a ceremony Thursday in San Francisco.

The Compton's Cafeteria riot predated the famous uprising at New York's Stonewall Inn by three years.


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