
29 Mar 2007 - 8:00am
1 Apr 2007 - 5:00pm

FOrge conference

29 Sep 2006 - 3:30pm
29 Sep 2006 - 4:45pm

Gender is a spectrum ----- it is a journey, and for some a destination.

Come learn more in a supportive and safe environment at the Queerying Gender support group....

"Queerying" Gender: A Therapist-facilitated Support Group for Transgender, Gender Queer, Intersex, and Two-Spirit Individuals

Do you often wonder about the relation of gender to biological sex? Is your experience of gender and sex at odds with the concepts of women and men in American society? Do you feel that the world around you restricts your ability to express your femininity and masculinity?

Queerying Gender is an informal discussion group that will offer an opportunity to meet others, share information and explore in a confidential and secure atmosphere.

1 Oct 2006 - 2:00pm
1 Oct 2006 - 4:00pm

Join us for the next regular meeting of the Muncie Trans Network support group. For now, meetings are limited to transgender individuals (FTM, MTF, genderqueer, other-gendered, etc.) and those who are questioning their gender. The group plans to expand in the future to offer support for significant others, friends, family, and allies (SOFFAs) of transgender people.

Topic: Creative Expression through Art


Muncie UU Church
4800 W. Bradford Dr.
Muncie, IN

The Muncie Trans Network group meets on the first Sunday of each month.

3 Sep 2006 - 2:00pm
3 Sep 2006 - 4:00pm

Join us for the next regular meeting of the Muncie Trans Network support group. For now, meetings are limited to transgender individuals (FTM, MTF, genderqueer, other-gendered, etc.) and those who are questioning their gender. The group plans to expand in the future to offer support for significant others, friends, family, and allies (SOFFAs) of transgender people.

Topic: Passing Tips (clothing, binding, packing, etc.)

The Muncie Trans Network group meets on the first Sunday of each month.

For more information, contact .

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