1. Participant Rights and Responsibilities

As an INTRAA Online Community participant....

I have the right to:

  1. Express my ideas and be heard.
  2. Receive information from others.
  3. Post my ideas about the organization and the fulfillment of INTRAA's Mission within the guidelines of the Guiding Principles.
  4. Initiate discussion on organization-related topics.
  5. Express my views on all INTRAA-related issues even if those views differ from the position of the other online community participants.
  6. Expect decisions to be made in a timely manner.
  7. Become more involved by participating in committee activities or attending INTRAA events and meetings.

I have the responsibility to:

  1. Be aware of and follow basic netiquette guidelines.
  2. Give thoughtful consideration to the ideas of others.
  3. Listen, be open-minded and judge the words and thoughts, not the person.
  4. Foster a civilized level of debate when disagreements arise.
  5. Correct inconsistencies or inaccuracies if I have the accurate information.
  6. Respect other opinions.
  7. Agree to disagree on stances.
  8. Contribute to the overall success of the organization.
  9. Productively contribute to advancing the goals of the organization.
  10. Volunteer to take on tasks I am free to do especially when somebody else is too busy.
  11. Offer to do work promoting the Mission and Vision of INTRAA, and then follow through.
  12. Understand that we all have responsibilities outside of INTRAA and not presume a few days' silence to be inattention or dereliction.
  13. Acknowledge and uphold our existing organization policies and procedures.
  14. Observe the Grievance Procedure when reporting a violation of these rights and responsibilities.